South Asian History, Culture and Archaeology

South Asian History, Culture and Archaeology

Frequency : Bi-Annual

ISSN : 2583-2166

Peer Reviewed Journal

Instructions For Author

Online Paper Submission

South Asian History, Culture and Archaeology: is a Peer Reviewed Journal:  The scope of the SAHCA is vast - from the Stone Age to modern times, including archaeology, history, anthropology, art, architecture, numismatics, iconography, ethnography and also various scientific aspects including archaeobotanical and archaeozoology, including theoretical and methodological issues.

Focus and Scope:-

The genesis of SAHCA lies in the fact that over the years many scholars have suggested the need for a dedicated platform where young archaeologists can present their research and views openly. It was also suggested that this forum should be structured in a manner that permits extended discussion beyond the usual question and answer session. It was further decided to create a society that would deal with the archaeology, anthropology, history, and ethnography of India in general and South Asia in particular. 

The scope of SAHCA is vast - from Stone Age to the Modern times, including archaeology, history, anthropology, art, architecture, numismatics, iconography, ethnography, various scientific aspects including archaeobotany and archaeozoology, and theoretical and methodological issues. Amongst the goals of this society are, to bring forth the research being conducted in areas that are not often well published such as the North Eastern States of India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Central Asia, Iran, etc. We will also aim to bring out cutting edge research in other related scientific, technical and methodological fields to the focus area of this society.

Editor-in-Chief:- Dr. Rashmi Pramanik, Department of Anthropology, Sambalpur University, Odisha, India


1. Electronic Submissions should be sent in MS Word format to: editorsahca@gmail.com or rashmipramanik@yahoo.co.in

2. The research article must be an original and unpublished work. The author(s) must also confirm that the manuscript is not being         considered for publication elsewhere in any form.

3. Word Limit: The prescribed word limit is 8000 words including references.

4. The submission must include an abstract of 150-250 words which should contain a minimum of five keywords arranged                    

5. Submissions must be made in the MS Word (.doc/.docx) format.

6. The body of the manuscript should be in Times New Roman, Font Size 12 and in 1.5 line spacing.

7. The text should be justified and a margin of 2.54 centimetres shall be left on all sides of the paper.

8. Include notes and references in the written text, using the Harvard Citation style, with a full and updated bibliographical list at the         end of the article

9. Authors are encouraged to use abbreviations except most common ones

10. Acknowledgments: These must be put before the references and be less than 200 words.

11. All research articles submitted will be checked for plagiarism. The author(s) are strictly expected to acknowledge the references        
        made use of.

12. Author should Identify sources of all information and cite those publications that have been used during the research process.

13. Information obtained privately, as in conversation or correspondence, should not be used or reported without prior permission         from the source. Such work may be cited as “personal communication”.

14. Authors are advised to use own data  and good resolutions (minimum 300 DPI) maps/ photographs/ drawings/ illustrations/ flow            charts, etc. in case of reuse of such materials, authors are responsible for necessary written permission from the concerned persons      or institutions.

15. Separate from your manuscript, your submission should contain enumerating the following details in a separate page. 

a) Title of the Research Article.
b) Name of the Author(s).
c) Name of the Institution.
d) E-mail Address.
e) Postal Address.
f) Mobile/Whatapp Number

16. Author(s) must strictly adhere to guidelines, failing which their submissions may not be considered.

17. Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: Within 30 days from the date of Submission 

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