The concept of entrepreneurship covers many types of organizational and individual activities but it takes its most obvious form in the decision by an entrepreneur to start a new business. In recent years, researchers from different perspectives have focused more attention on the entrepreneurial activity involved in starting one’s own business. Environmental business management research has not yet concentrated on start-ups, although this early stage of a business enterprise’s life might be a sensible starting point for environmental management. (Schick, Marxen, & Freedmann, 2002) This paper is a report of an empirical study into start-up processes, designed to determine whether there are opportunities for executing more sustainable business practices from the commencement of new business ventures. This research try to conceptualize the phenomenon sustainable start-ups, drivers of entrepreneurial intention in sustainable start-ups, sustainable practices adopted by nascent entrepreneurs.
Keywords: Start-up; Start-up proc ess; Entrepreneurship; Entrepreneurs; Sustainability; Sustainable business practices; Green start-ups
Syama US, Reshma Roy & KV Thomas (2022). A Study on the Attitude of Nascent Entrepreneurs towards Sustainability Transition. Review of Economics and Econometrics Studies. 1(2), 99107.