Gender development or sustainable inclusive development is one the prominent phenomenon which has emerged after the publication of Human Development Report. In this track, the present paper is a macro study which deals with gender development performance of India and its states since 2001. The foremost objective of the study is to analyze the performance of Gender Development in India. The relevant data has been collected from Global Data Lab, UNDP’s Human Development Reports, Economic Survey of India, and Census Documents. Data has been analyzed by using trend and descriptive techniques. The study identified that, there is a positive and significant relationship between female literacy rate and GDI rank in India.
Keywords: Sustainable Development, Female Population, Gender
JEL Classification: Q01, R23, J16
Santosh R., Suresha C.N., & S. Indumathi (2022). Gender Development in India: Issues and Challenges. Review of Economics and Econometrics Studies. 1(1), 1322.