
Peer Review Guidelines

All submissions to ESI PUBLICATIONS journals are subject to a rigorous review. The process is single-blind, meaning the reviewers’ identities are not revealed to authors, while the reviewer is aware of the author’s identity. The standard peer review procedure is like this:

  • All submissions are reviewed by ESI PUBLICATIONS editors to ensure their adherence to the requirements of ESI PUBLICATIONS journals, including its English composition, scientific values, and ethical issues.

  • Then the submission will be assigned to a handling editor who will invite referees to review the manuscript.

  • Once conclusive referees’ reports are received, the editor will make the first decision on the manuscript as Acceptance, Revision or Rejection.

  • Upon receiving a revision together with documented explanations, in consultation with the referees the editor will make the final decision on the manuscript. Acceptance can be issued only when detailed and conclusive reports are in place to confirm the manuscript’s value and contribution in the fields.

ESI PUBLICATIONS provides a review report form (template) to make the process systematic and streamlined. The reviewer should focus on the quality of both the scientific side and the presentation, of the manuscript, and aim at providing constructive comments to bring the manuscript to its best quality. This dictates a fair, rapid, comprehensive and comparable assessment of the research within.

ESI PUBLICATIONS is committed to upholding the highest standards of publication ethics and takes publication malpractice and conflicts of interest very seriously. All of authors, ESI PUBLICATIONS editors and referees are required to disclose any conflicts of interest.

The reviewing process is strictly confidential and should be treated as such by the reviewers. Reviewers must not take any confidential information they have gained in the reviewing process and take advantage of it before the manuscript is published.

At ESI PUBLICATIONS we firmly believe that an efficient editorial process that results in timely publication provides a valuable service (value-added editorial process) to both the authors and the scientific community at large.