The mispricing of assets is a fact and cannot be fully explained by the EMH (Cosgrove, Gasper, & Marsh, 2007). The dramatic behaviour of Bitcoin prices in 2018 has features of an Economic Bubble; it bears investigation into how and why such a bubble may have formed when there is no restriction on the information available to public. The unreasonable euphoria of people and its subsequent erosion needs to be studied from a behavioural perspective.
The paper will explore what are the features that make Bitcoins a source of such derision by the experts in the realm of finance. It hopes to add value to the existing body of knowledge by investigating the claims that Bitcoin has all the classical characteristics of being an Economic Bubble. Further, a point of interest for the article is exploring whether the herd mentality may influence the investment behaviour among the participants of the cryptocurrency market, especially Bitcoins.
Bitcoins are a new field of study, thus the research available on it is limited. In addition, due to its acceptance among the more technologically sound groups, it is an exclusive area of investment for the masses. Bitcoin is gaining acceptance among the financial institutions and merchants willing to accept it as a currency (Kelso, 2018) or at least an investment (Mourdoukoutas, 2018). It throws up important policy questions about regulation and monitoring. This paper has identified the features that made Bitcoin prices in 2017-18 a bubble and identified the reasons behind it in theory.
Keywords: Bitcoins, Herding, Economic Bubbles, Mimetic Contagion, Informational Cascades
JEL Classification: D91, E71, A14, A12
Joyita Banerji, Kaushik Kundu and Parveen Ahmed Alam (2021). The Bitcoin Bubble: Insights of Herd Behaviour. Journal of Money, Banking and Finance, Vol. 7, No. 2, 2021, pp. 111135.