The study assesses economic diversification and international trade focusing on oil and nonoil export in Nigeria. It suggests that for a country to diversify its economy, the country has to diversify its export base since export has been considered as an engine of growth of any economy. Nigeria as a developing country, should not depend majorly on one export commodity at a time but should integrate other sectors, thereby, diversifying the economy. The study uses the Stock Watson dynamic Ordinary Least Square (DOLS) over the period of 1981-2018. The results from the model therefore, encourages the Nigerian government to develop interest in the nonoil sector of the economy by strengthen its legislation and supervisory framework, so as to ensure maximum contributions from all sectors of the economy. This measure will help reduce over dependence on petroleum export, expand and diversify the Nigeria’s export base and therefore, protect the economy from being extremely vulnerable to external shocks.
Keywords: Economic Diversification, StockWatson, International Trade, Export, DOLS, Nigeria.
JEL Code: F4, O1, O4, Q3.
Paschaline Nkeiruka Ugwu, Divine Ndubuisi Obodoechi, Obed Ifeanyi Ojonta (2021). Economic Diversification and International Trade a Focus on Oil and Nonoil Export in Nigeria. Journal of Money, Banking and Finance, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2021, pp. 35-45