Information whether political, social or economic creates reactions in the stock market leading to fluctuations.Such information could be internal emanating within the country, or external caused by events outside the country. Ourstudy assessed Covid19 100thday information effect on health firms’ stock returns in Nigeria. We adopts event study approach and utilize stock prices of the firms covering 131 days to estimate abnormal returns within the event day. The study result showsa positive abnormal return for health firms in Covid19 100thday. Considering the significance of the return, the testes shows value of 1.58 which is less than 1.96. This means that investors reacted positively to the information of Covid19 100th day, but this positive reaction was insignificant. We therefore conclude that Covid19 information into the Nigerian Health industry isa boost to activities in the sector with positive return. This calls for adequate attention to be given to the sector by relevant authorities to utilise the best possible opportunity presented by the health challenge.
Keywords: Corona virus, Stock returns, Stock market,Health firms in Nigeria,Event study, World Health Organization, Sustainable development goals.
Ikwuagwu, Henry Chinedu, Efanga, Udeme Okon and Ihemeje, James Chinedu., Coronavirus Disease19 (Covid19) 100th Day effect on Health Firms’ Stock Returns in Nigeria: An Event Study Approach. Journal of Money, Banking and Finance, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2020, pp. 9-20