Journal of Money, Banking and Finance

Journal of Money, Banking and Finance

Frequency : Bi-Annual

ISSN : 2320-9747

Peer Reviewed Journal

Editorial Team

Online Paper Submission


Dr. Badri Narayanan G.

School  of  Environmental  and  Forestry Sciences,
University of Washington Seattle
Anderson Hall, Seattle WA 98101, USA
E-mail: editorjmbf@gmail.com

Editorial Board Member

Dr. Dimitrios Koutmos

Leeds University Business Scholl, U.K

Dr. Mahmood Bagheri

Institute of Advanced Legal Studies
University of London London, U.K

Prof. Gianfranco Vento

European Business Scholl-London
Regent’s College., London, U.K

Dr. Konstantinos Skindilias

London Metropolitan Business Scholl
London Metropolitan University, U.K

Dr. Hussein Abdou

Salford Business School,
University of Salford, Salford, Manchester, U.K

Prof. M. Jayadev

Indian Institute of Management Bangalore,
Bangalore, India

Dr. Stylianos Karagiannis

Centre of Planning and Economic Research,
Athens, Greece

Dr. Katerina Sergiou

London Metropolitan Business Scholl
London Metropolitan University, U.K

Dr. Suzanne Fifield

Department of Accounting and Finance
School of Business, University of Dundee, Dundee, U.K

Dr. Sailesh Tanna

Department of Economics, Finance and Accounting
Coventry Business School,
Coventry University, Coventry, U.K

Prof. Ming-Hua Lin

AUT Business School, Auckland University of Technology,
Auckland, New Zealand

Prof. Srinivasan Rangan

Indian Institute of Management Bangalore,
Bangalore, India

Dr. Motasam Tatahi

European Business Scholl-London
Regent’s College, London, U.K

Prof. Dimitris Kraniou

Department of Global Management and Organisation,
School of Business, Point Park University, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, U.S.A