Journal of Applied Statistics and Machine Learning (JASML) and solicits original research articles in applications of statistics and machine learning in all disciplines. Please email your articles to any one of the following individuals:
Instructions for Authors
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Font: Times New Roman
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1. Manuscript must be a single MS Word document. Please include the complete text, with numbered tables and figures inserted in the text, and references.
2. Electronic Submissions should be sent in MS Word format to: and
3. Manuscripts should be in English and start with a 100 - 300 words abstract.
4. All figures should be included as .jpg or .tif file, with 300 dpi in the text.
5. Please use APA citation style – see table below:
APA Citation Style
Material Type |
In-text Citation |
Bibliography |
A book |
Chiarella and Flaschel (2000) |
The Dynamics of Keynesian Monetary Growth:
Macro Foundations.Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. |
Chapter in an edited book
Lee, Singh& Gewali (2008) |
Dimension Reduction for Performing
Discriminant Analysis for Microarrays. Computational Intelligence in Medical
Informatics” Series: Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 85, Editors:
Arpad Kelemen, Ajith Abraham, Yulan Liang; Approx. 390 p., Hardcover; ISBN:
978-3-540-75766-5. |
Chapter in a Conference Proceeding |
Dalpatadu& Singh (2018) |
Selection of
Transformations of Continuous Predictors in Logistic Regression. In: Latifi
S. (eds) Information Technology - New Generations. Advances in Intelligent
Systems and Computing, vol 738. Springer |
An article in a print journal |
Khadka, Paz & Singh(2018) |
Generalised clusterwise regression for
simultaneous estimation of optimal pavement clusters and performance models,
International Journal of Pavement Engineering, DOI:
10.1080/10298436.2018.1521970 |
Article Processing Fee: There will be no Article Processing Fee (APF) for the first five years (December 2020 – December 2025).