The economy is such a factor that decides the status of living. Sundarban is the largest area in the world with tidal halophytic mangrove forests. It is a delta of the Ganga, Brahmaputra, and Meghna rivers and is situated in the West Bengal state of India and the neighboring country of Bangladesh. Residents rely mainly on agriculture, livestock rearing, and fisheries. They face challenges such as poverty, marginalization, and an acute struggle against geo-climatic events. The present study was conducted to assess the socio-economic status of the farming community under the given resources such as demographic, physical, cultural, environmental, and social issues. A combined indicator of one’s economic and sociological status is the socioeconomic status. It is a nuanced measure based on income, education, and occupation, measured in a number of ways, which represented the work experience and social and economic status of an individual relative to others. The empowerment of women is a systematic concept and a dynamic multi-dimensional process that helps women to understand their distinctive characteristics and impact in all areas of life. To do this, it is important to unite and organize women into autonomous groups in order to gain unity and influence and facilitate collective action at the proper time. Rural women with backgrounds in the socioeconomic field are more likely to experience those diseases mainly because of their involvement in hard work in households. This paper examines recent changes in female workforce composition in the area of Sundarban regions. The study identifies the health and educational status of Sundarban women. The present paper deals with the changing role of the female in the development of the socio-economic condition of the Sundarban region.
Keywords: Socio-economic development, Occupational diversity, Education, Health, Sundarban regions.
Datta, R. (2022). The Socio Economic Status of Females of Sundarban Regions in West Bengal. Journal of Applied Development Economics. 1(1), 33-41.