This paper investigates the possibility of Granger causality between foreign direct investment and financial development in 48 sub-Saharan African countries from 1960 to 2020. For a technical reason, based on their wealth in 2020, the countries were classified as low income, middle income, and high-income countries. The three panels of twenty-three, twenty-four, and one countries, respectively, are examined collectively and then separately. Granger causality is tested with a panel data approach. The results indicate a single instance of two-way Granger causality between financial development indicators and FDI, both for the full sample and for the subsamples. In contrast, several cases of one-way causality are identified.
Keywords: Granger causality, foreign direct investment, financial development,
Jel Classification: C23, F23, F36.
Ebene Ndesse Axelle Maryline (2022). Granger Causality between Foreign Direct Investment and Financial Development in Sub-Saharan African Countries. Indian Journal of Global Economics and Business, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 5369.