This paper examines the impact of identified key variables on India’s total trade (exports and imports) with GCC countries by using augmented gravity model on panel data. The export model results reveal that partner countries GDP, per capita GDP of partner countries, population in partner countries, trade openness in partner countries, total imports in GCC countries, export affinity in India, diaspora and trade agreement increase the volume of India’s exports to GCC countries, whereas distance, real exchange rate, per-capita GDP difference, inflation in India and tariff rates in GCC countries reduce the volume of India’s exports to GCC countries. On the other side, the results of import model explicate that reporter country GDP, GDP per capita in India, Indian population, import affinity in India, trade openness in India, real exchange rate and trade agreement have significant positive impact on India’s imports from GCC countries, whereas tariff rates in India significantly reduce the volume of India’s imports from GCC countries.
Keywords: Exports, Imports, Augmented Gravity Model, Panel Data, GCC countries
Vasudha Gupta & Swami Prasad Saxena (2022). Determinants of Indo–Gcc Trade: A Panel Data Analysis. Indian Development Policy Review, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 179-192.