Purpose- The present study is undertaken to assess the impact of microfinance on economic empowerment of poor rural women.
Design/methodology/approach – Primary data were collected from 286 women bank customers animating in Jammu district of J&K by using purposive sampling technique. The data were collected during the month of May-December 2020. Multivariate statistical techniques like EFA, CFA and SEM were used for data analysis and scale purification.
Findings –The finds of the study reveals that microfinance has a direct and significant impact on economic empowerment of poor rural women. Further, the study depicts that despite a range of initiatives taken by the govt. towards empowering rural women, there is a denial from the financial institutions to provide access to various financial services to the women due to illiteracy, lack of collateral security, lack of awareness, mind-set of bank employees and policy guidelines to the banking sector, which impound this section of the society to feel self reliant, secure and splendid.
Research limitations/implications – First, the scope of the study is constrained to Jammu district only due to paucity of time and financial resources. Second, the data were collected from women respondents only belonging to rural areas. Third, comparative study of women households who are covered under the banking system and those who are still financially excluded has not been done yet. Fourth, the possibility of subjectivity cannot be ruled out.
Originality/value–The study makes unique addition in the direction of microfinance narrative relating to economic empowerment of poor rural women. It looks into how for the economic aspects of rural women influence their exclusion from the financial system of the country. The study also provides valuable suggestions for the policy makers to devise and put into practice programmes that will broaden right of women to make use of microfinance for their social & economic empowerment.
Tarsem Lal & Jatinder Kaur (2021). Impact of Microfinance on Economic Empowerment of Rural Women. Indian Development Policy Review, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2021, pp. 63-76