
Review of Economics and Econometrics Studies

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Review of Economics and Econometrics Studies

Editor-in-Chief : Dr. Navitha Thimmaiah

Frequency : Bi-Annual

ISSN Number: 2583-3111

Aims & Scope : 

Reviews in Economics and Econometrics Studies” publishes original contributions in varied areas of economics. It encourages and supports scholarly work by the academicians in interdisciplinary areas of social sciences with a focus on economics. The Journal is a platform for publishing high quality original research and experiments in the significant areas of economics and interrelated areas. The journal emphasizes and respects methodological, analytical and critical aspects of the research contributions. 

The Journal “Review of Economics and Econometrics Studies” publishes original contributions in varied areas of economics and Econometrics. It encourages and supports scholarly work by the academicians in interdisciplinary areas of social sciences with a focus on economics. The Journal is a platform for publishing high quality original research and experiments in the significant areas of economics and interrelated areas. The journal emphasizes and respects methodological, analytical and critical aspects of the research contributions. The Journal “Review of Economics and Econometrics Studies” publishes contributions of original work on any aspect of Economics and Econometrics. It covers interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research.

Latest Articles :- Vol: (3) (Issue: 1) (Year: 2024)

About this journal

Review of Economics and Econometrics Studies

Editor-in-Chief : Dr. Navitha Thimmaiah

Frequency : Bi-Annual

ISSN Number : 2583-3111

Aim & Scope : 

Reviews in Economics and Econometrics Studies” publishes original contributions in varied areas of economics. It encourages and supports scholarly work by the academicians in interdisciplinary areas of social sciences with a focus on economics. The Journal is a platform for publishing high quality original research and experiments in the significant areas of economics and interrelated areas. The journal emphasizes and respects methodological, analytical and critical aspects of the research contributions. 

The Journal “Review of Economics and Econometrics Studies” publishes original contributions in varied areas of economics and Econometrics. It encourages and supports scholarly work by the academicians in interdisciplinary areas of social sciences with a focus on economics. The Journal is a platform for publishing high quality original research and experiments in the significant areas of economics and interrelated areas. The journal emphasizes and respects methodological, analytical and critical aspects of the research contributions. The Journal “Review of Economics and Econometrics Studies” publishes contributions of original work on any aspect of Economics and Econometrics. It covers interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research.

Latest Articles :- Vol: (3) (Issue: 1) (Year: 2024)

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